Tobacco Sellers Have Something Else to Worry About Now
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Over the past couple of years, the City of Chicago has stepped up its game when it comes to cracking down on tobacco dealers. It has become a "one strike and yer out" atmosphere. To top it off, recent changes to the law means that if your tobacco license is revoked, no other tobacco license can be issued to that location for a period of one year. No exceptions.
Now, the City has something else in its enforcement arsenal. It is now rewarding the public when it reports illegal cigarette sales. It is encouraging the report of:
- Unstamped cigarette packs
- Individual (loose) cigarette sales
- Any sale to people under the age of 18
- Any tobacco sales made outside of a retail store
To be clear, ANYONE could report these infractions to the City before. But now, the City will reward informers with $100 cash if the report results in a conviction or finding of liability for illegal tobacco sales.
More info on the program here:
If your store has been summoned, contact us.
by Daniel Rubinow, Principal Attorney
License Law Group